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Bonds Vs Term Deposits

Bonds and term deposits are popular options for conservative investing with stable returns. While they share some similarities, they also have distinct differences. In this blog we will explore what bonds and term deposits are, and compare their features, fees and risk.

What are Bonds?

A bond is basically a loan the investor gives to an entity, which is generally a government or a company. In return, the issuer (government or company) agrees to pay a regular interest amount over the term of the bond and return the principal investment at maturity.

Most Common Types of Bonds

  1. Government Bonds - issued by Governments in Australia and Internationally

  2. Corporate Bonds - issued by companies to raise capital

How Bonds Work

When a bond is purchased, money is being lent to the issuer. The bond will have a face value, a coupon (interest rate), and a maturity date. For example, if a bond is $1,000 with a 5% coupon and a 10-year maturity, the bond pays $50 annually for 10 years and then returns the $1,000 to the investor at the end.

What are Term Deposits?

Term deposits involve depositing a sum of money with a bank for an agreed rate and a fixed period of time.

How Term Deposits Work

When money is placed in a term deposit, it’s agreed that it will be left for a specific timeframe, which could be months to several years. In return, the bank pays interest on this amount. At the end of the agreed term, the bank pays back the initial deposit plus the accrued interest.

Similarities Between Bonds and Term Deposits

  • Fixed Interest Rates: Both bonds and term deposits offer fixed interest rates

  • Capital Protection: Both are considered as safe investment options

  • Maturity Dates: Both have a defined maturity date at which the principal is returned

Differences Between Bonds and Term Deposits


  • Bonds: Issued by government and companies

  • Term Deposits: Issued by banks


  • Bonds: Risk levels vary. Government bond risk will depend on the country issuing them. Corporate bonds can range from low risk to high risk depending on the credit of the company

  • Term Deposits: Generally considered low risk, but can vary depending on which bank is holding the deposit


  • Bonds: Can be traded in the market before maturity, which can result in a gain or loss depending on market conditions

  • Term Deposits: Usually have penalties for early withdrawal, reducing their liquidity

Fees and Costs

  • Bonds: May involve brokerage fees and management costs if investing through a fund

  • Term Deposits: Usually have no direct fees, but early withdrawal penalties may apply

Risk Factors


  • Credit Risk: The risk that the issuer may default on interest payments or fail to return the principal

  • Interest Rate Risk: Bond prices inversely react to interest rate changes, if rates rise, bond prices fall

  • Inflation Risk: Inflation can erode the purchasing power of the interest payments and principal

  • Market Risk: Bond values can fluctuate based on market conditions

Term Deposits

  • Inflation Risk: Similar to bonds, the fixed rate may not keep up with inflation, reducing the real return.

  • Reinvestment: Some term deposits will automatically roll over into a new term at maturity

  • Access: If you require access to the funds early, penalties may apply

Choosing Between Bonds and Term Deposits

When deciding between bonds and term deposits or using both, it’s essential to consider your personal financial situation goals and preferences. Each option has unique features that can make it suitable for different types of investors.

Investment Goals

The investment goal plays a significant role in determining whether bonds or term deposits are a better fit for a portfolio.

Risk Tolerance

Risk tolerance is another important factor in making this decision.

Time Horizon

The length of time planned for the investment is an important consideration. Bonds typically have longer terms, ranging from a few years to several decades. Term deposits have varying terms, from a few months to several years.

Inflation and Interest Rate Consideration

Both bonds and term deposits can be affected by inflation and interest rate movements. Understanding how these factors influence returns can help to make informed investment decisions.

Impact of inflation

Inflation can erode the real value of both bond and term deposit returns. Inflation refers to the general increases in prices over time, which can erode the purchasing power of money. For investors, inflation can impact the real returns on investments, particularly those with fixed interest rates, like bonds and term deposits. With bonds, inflation can reduce the value of the fixed interest payments over time. If inflation rises significantly, the interest earned on the bond may not keep pace with the increasing cost of goods and services, meaning that the real value of the interest received decreases. Similarly, term deposits face the same inflation risk. This is why it’s essential to consider inflation when evaluating investments, particularly those that have longer-term commitments.

Bonds and term deposits each offer benefits and potential drawbacks. The choice between bonds or term deposits ultimately will depend on the investment goal, risk tolerance and time horizon. Both can play a role in a diversified investment strategy, providing stability and income for different types of investors.

About Us

After working as an advisor for a decade, Joel founded Unified Wealth.

Unified Wealth specialises in helping clients who are facing life’s big decisions.

Whether you’re contemplating your first property, growing your family or starting your investment journey we can help you focus on the simple steps to help you make your goals reality.

Our priority is making sure you have all the right information available to make the best possible decisions for you and those you love.

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